Service with a "peace" of mind

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Long Hard Road

As I have traveled through out my journeys in life I have found that it is very important for each and every human being to set goals for themselves.

However, in setting goals you will find that these inner visions can not be shared with everyone, and in some cases, not even your loved ones.

I know that this may sound strange to some, but as you begin to set your "eyes on the prize" you will find that some people tend to have no dreams or focus at all. Thus, causing you more mental struggle than necessary.

I came across an obstacle in my road while trying to achieve specific goals that I set for myself. This obstacle was having a very close & special person in my life that just COULD NOT see what I seen in how to go about achieving these goals.
It was like everything that I set out to do was followed by negative comments such as, "it will never work," "nobody will like that,", " that's crazy."

In the beginning it was very hurtful and discouraging. But for my own self and my own peace of mind I had to become stronger mentally. I had to realize that everyone is not going to support me in my dreams and some will NEVER to able to see what I see, but I could'nt give up because of people's opinions. Had I let their lack of vision determine my success, I would have failed before I even had gotten started.

So no matter what your goals or dreams are, just don't expect everyone to understand how you plan to go about achieving them or even why you would want to achieve them.

Yes, it is good to listen to others thoughts and ideas. To learn from others because you may find an easier or better way to be successful in fulfilling your goals. However, your dreams are your own and no one has the right to take them away based upon their lack of insight and/or goals setting.

We often hear others speak on their achievements and stating how some told them that it could'nt be done. But that individual held tight to their dream, put in the hard work that it required and let the negativity of others go in one ear and out the other. This is something that has to be done when striving for any thing in this life.

So do your thang, and don't let others lack of support and/or not being able to see your visions determine your success or failures!!

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