Yesterday as I was cleaning the house I noticed something about myself. The style/way of cleaning my house!! I was shocked because this has always been the way I cleaned but I never really paid any attention it but when I did I giggled to myself and wondered does anyone else clean like this.
I started out down stairs cleaning the living room. Sat everything on the stairs that needed to go up stairs so when I go up stairs I can take all that stuff then. The time came that I needed to go upstairs so I grab the stuff, (mind you that I'm not done cleaning downstairs) went up stairs and put that stuff away. Now while I'm up stairs I make the bed and clean my room. Needed to put something in the bathroom, see things out of order so I clean in there. Needed to take somethings downstairs, so hey... remember I was'nt done down there anyway so I finish up down there. Grabbed what I needed from downstairs and headed back upstairs to complete my house cleaning
.From listening to myself say all really sounds like I'm all over the place but from doing it this way for so long, it actually works out great for me.LOL. A mess!!! I just thought it was interesting being that the "normal" way to clean is one room at a time, Right!?!